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Imagine silver moving from $15 to $45 a 200% increase. What would that mean to silver investors? What would it mean to you? Many silver stackers would be in the profit zone, and those of us that have carried the message would once again be received in a more favorable light.
As you know silver has come off the bottom, but did you know that our top picks for this year in the January issue are up 200%? That is correct; it would be the same move as silver going to about $45 per ounce!
Many times critics have meant well and exclaimed how having a metals only stance was the way to go. Every time you listen to that message ask yourself if it is right for you? We favor a balanced approach that uses a portion in physical metals and some into the shares of resource companies we carefully select for our members.
Upcoming in the June issue we plan on recommending exactly the type of gold miner you have been looking for in this environment (that is one in which you can find a high quality primary gold and/or silver company trading at bargain basement levels while the complex as a whole has had a nice run over the past 4 months). This company has a solid management team and board of directors that more than qualifies under our strict criteria. This publicly traded company is trading at a substantial discount to Net Asset Value! Which means you are buying something in a hot market that if liquidated is worth more than you are paying for it. How many in our industry can make that statement?
When you own this investment your largest asset is a gold resource of 2.5 MILLION ounces and a silver resource of nearly 200 MILLION ounces. Since grade is King and many in our industry only speak to the “amount” let us tell you the grade.
The average gold grade of is % grams per ton. Realize many mines are actually operating at one g/t. Because this is a gold/silver mine you need to know the silver grade is a most respectable Au 360 grams per ton. Which is well over eleven ounces per ton, and at today’s price that is $200 per ton.
This producer has discovered over EIGHT new veins over recent years leaving very substantial exploration upside. The following chart depicts current price-to-net asset values of this company’s piers relative to this company and many will look back and wish they had taken action.
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This addition to the Morgan Report Asset allocation portfolio is an emerging mid-tier producer which operates two mines in two of the most geopolitically safe jurisdictions.
- It also has two development projects, both with very prospective land
- There is a reason why it is trading at such a discount to NAV and
operating cash flow
is absurd and in time investors will discover this fact and significant
share price appreciation
will take place in our strong opinion.
- Our price target using $1,200/oz. Au and $16 /oz. Ag @ 6% is more than
double the price
per share as of the close on Friday, May 13th.
Because far more money is made in (paper) silver and gold we are seeing new investors subscribing to our website and diversifying by selling some physical and buying mining shares. Although risky, the gains can be truly spectacular. The whole process is outlined in the membership area when you read How to Use the Morgan Report.
Yes, you can sit on your stack or you can move into a situation where you truly have the ability to beat the bankers!
And that is what I want for you… I want to see you beat the bankers at their paper games and move into physical metals with your winnings, I’ve been doing it for years and so can you. We do all the work for you, all you need is a broker and the ability to follow simple guideline.
And remember all website members are allowed to ask us two questions per month, and we guarantee an answer.
This market is just heating up, and I personally made a video for our members letting them know what to expect for the next month or two.
To beating the bankers,
David Morgan
P.S. In the January 2016 issue, Chris Marchese (Senior Equity Analyst) discussed the top-picks for 2016 in the top-tier and mid-tier mining companies. In the top-tier, a top pick for 2016 saw the company’s stock price has appreciated 237%, going from under $3.30/share to well over $10/share. The top pick for the year overall and in the mid-tier category is up 180% (going from slightly over $2.30/share and appreciating nearly $4/share).
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