Gold & Silver Becoming Legal Money?: Reclaiming Our Liberty as Free Persons | David Morgan


“Basically, if you believe that money is power, and the people own the money, then the people have the power…” ~ David Morgan
In the face of the deep state and power centers of banking and corporatism, is there any hope left that ordinary citizens can escape from under the risk of losing our income, savings and all our assets to the elite that operate even above governments?
Renowned precious metals guru David Morgan unpacks the vital significance of landmark legislation emerging in western US states as a beachhead for ordinary persons to reclaim our freedom that has been usurped and eroded over a century of fiat imposed debt.

Utah and Idaho legislatures are working to pass bills aimed at eliminating capital gains tax on Gold & silver, since these are true money, and citizens shouldn’t have to pay gains tax just due to exchange rates between different currencies, caused by Fed policy that inflates away the value of our US Dollars.
Utah gold & silver legal tender laws, and where this is heading…
Why is it so critical that these states’ government, despite the fiat monetary system are forcing the admission that gold & silver are true money?
As discussed at the Anarchapulco conference this week:
“Thrive” Movie declares that banks and “corporatism” are above the government in elite levels of power today.
Why do banks and governments hate real money?
US Silver Eagles and US Gold Eagles are stamped by the mint with a face value of US Dollars. They are true legal tender. What does this mean and what power does this give us despite coming collapse or reset?
Historical cycles of honest money & sound finance overtaken by central backs, fiat currency at interest, indebting all citizens with a debt they can never get out of. Truly a ponzi scheme: the first “investors” get paid back by later investors, but the pool of debtors ALWAYS increases.
Expecting a huge reset. Will the bankers be ahead of it or behind it?
Self Organizing Communities may be what rises in the wake of a reset. – free newsletter, free movie downloads on these topics
History of the US shows loss of power of the people from free people in federated states.
Will the power elite fight back against free people using gold & silver as real money?
Less than 1% of people even own gold, far fewer than 1% ever transact in gold. GoldMoney & Peter Schiff have electronic debit cards you can use to transact in gold . If you transact in gold & silver directly, your transactions can be entirely private.
To reclaim your liberty as a free person: Don’t be a socialist (Democrat or Republican) corporate person under the Social Security System, or you are legally owned by the state.

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Today’s monetary system is based upon a lie. The lie is that you can get something for nothing, or perhaps more simply stated, wealth can be printed. History has shown throughout 5000 years that whenever a country has tried to maintain this illusion (lie), failure has been the result. We invite you to learn more about what The Morgan Report can do for you. Click on the Learn More About The Morgan Report button now!

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